Leading Change through Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Excellence: A Masterclass Experience

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  • Leading Change through Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Excellence: A Masterclass Experience


Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) play a pivotal role in driving organizational change and fostering excellence in program delivery. With the ever-evolving landscape of development and project management, there is an increasing demand for leaders who can effectively leverage M&E to lead transformative change.

This masterclass offers a unique opportunity for professionals to enhance their M&E skills, empower their teams, and drive meaningful impact through evidence-based decision-making.

  1. Equip participants with advanced knowledge and skills in M&E leadership.
  2. Provide practical strategies for leveraging M&E to drive organizational change.
  3. Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation through M&E excellence.
  4. Empower participants to lead effective M&E initiatives within their organizations.
  5. Facilitate networking and knowledge sharing among M&E leaders and practitioners.

Introduction and Overview

  • Definition and Concepts
  • Good Monitoring and Evaluation Design
  • The Ten-Step Model
  • Key Success Factors


Results-Based Management and Results Framework

  • Results-Based Management
  • Results Framework & the Results
  • Establishing a Baseline and Setting Targets
  • Results Chain and Logical Model
  • Theory of Change
  • Outputs, Outcomes, and Impact
  • Being S.M.A.R.T.
  • Writing Results

Developing and Selecting Indicators

  • Meaning & Types of Indicators
  • Output vs Outcome Indicators
  • The C.R.E.A.M. of Good Performance Indicators
  • Disaggregation
  • Gender-sensitive and Gender-specific Indicators
  • Indicator Quality Assessment
  • Developing & Defining Indicators



  • Understanding Monitoring
  • The power of Measuring Results & Principles of Monitoring Systems
  • Collecting Data and Managing Project Records
  • Participatory Monitoring and Methods of Data Collection
  • Monitoring Mechanisms & Workplans
  • Monitoring Tools & Project (Re) Design
  • Critical Success Factors of PM&E
  • Quality Assurance, Project Monitoring & Verification Activities



  • Introduction
  • Evaluation Star
  • Evaluation Outputs and the Project/Program Cycle
  • Evaluation Steps & Performance Logic Chain Assessment
  • Impact Evaluation & Types of Evaluation
  • Evaluation Data Collection
  • Planning and Managing an Evaluation
  • Using Evaluation Outcomes
  • Project Audit & Evaluation Report

As a demonstration of commitment to your satisfaction, we guarantee the following:

  • Results: We will achieve specific learning outcomes or improvements in skills as a result of attending our training programs.
  • Expert Trainer: We assure that our trainers are highly qualified experts in their field, with relevant experience and certifications.
  • Flexible Training Options: We will provide flexibility in training options, such as rescheduling sessions or switching to online training if necessary. We aim to ensure that you can adapt to changing circumstances without losing your investment in training.
  • Customization: Guarantee that training programs will be customized to meet your specific needs and objectives and if you feel that the training content is not relevant to your needs, offer to adjust the program or provide additional materials.
  • Support: We promise ongoing support and assistance to you before, during, and after the training program. This includes access to additional resources or consultations with trainers.
  • Confidentiality: We will ensure that your information and training materials will be kept confidential and will not be shared with third parties without permission.
  • Quality Assurance: We commit to delivering high-quality training programs that meet industry standards and best practices.
  • Customer Service: We guarantee responsive and helpful customer service, with dedicated support staff available to address any questions or concerns that you may have.

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